IDS has introduced a new data type, IDSSECURITYLABEL, for storing row security labels. IDS引入了一个新的数据类型IDSSECURITYLABEL,用于存储行安全标签。
An exemption allows users access to protected data that the user's security labels might have otherwise prevented from accessing. 豁免权使原本安全标签权限不足的用户可以访问受保护数据。
Too many decimal places in a number or too many data labels on a graph are examples. 比如,数字内小数点位数太多或图片上数据标签太多。
The security administrator allows users access to protected data by granting them security labels. 安全管理员通过为用户授予安全标签来允许用户访问受保护的数据。
FormLayout is a special grid that groups data entry fields and their labels. FormLayout是一个特殊的网格,它将数据输入域及其标签组合在一起。
An XML structure is typically composed of elements and attributes& at the most basic level, elements are containers for data and attributes are labels for the data containers. 一个XML结构通常由元素和属性组成&在最基本的层面上,元素是数据容器,属性是数据容器的标签。
An exemption allows a user to access protected data that their security labels might otherwise prevent them from accessing. 豁免权使用户可以访问其安全标签不允许其访问的受保护数据。
Users of the GD:: Pie module may be familiar with its requirements for data and labels when plotting. Pie模块的用户可能十分熟悉它在标绘时对数据和标签的要求。
MapServer& This server generates imagery from data sources, providing symbology, labels, and all other details needed to make a meaningful map. MapServer&此服务器从数据源生成图像,提供符号、标签和其他所有细节信息来生成一张地图。
The next time you drag items from the data sources window, the caption labels are created using the new registry values provided. 当下一次从“数据源”窗口拖动某些项时,将使用所提供的新建注册表值创建标题标签。
Enters chart title, axis labels, or data labels 添加图表标题、坐标轴标题或数据标志
The Analysis and Enlightenment of Data Structure and Content of FDA Prescription Drug Labels 美国处方药品说明书数据结构和数据内容的解析与启示
Use field names, captions, or first row of data as column headings or chart labels? 是否用字段名、标题或数据的首行作为列标题或图表标签?
To improve XML data query, all nodes are clustered based their labels, and path information of each node is kept in bit vectors. 为了提高XML数据查询处理效率,提出对XML数据结点采用标签聚类存储,同时结点路径信息存储在位向量中。
The core of the system is based on a fairly simple set of rules to track data based on Tags and Labels. 系统的核心建基于一组相当简单的数据跟踪规则,用标签(TagsandLabels)来跟踪数据。
Shows or hides data labels. 显示或隐藏数据标签。
If data labels overlap in a pie chart, drag a data label to another location. 如果要调整饼图中重叠的数据标志,可以将数据标志拖动到其他位置;
To add labels to all points in a series, click the series, click data series on the format menu, and then select the options you want on the data labels tab. 如果要为某个系列的所有数据点添加数据标志,可以单击该系列,然后单击“格式”菜单中的“数据系列”命令,并于“数据标志”选项卡上选择所需的选项。
Or click the data labels, click data labels on the format menu, and select the options you want on the alignment tab. 或者单击数据标签,然后单击“格式”菜单中的“数据标签”命令,在“对齐”选项卡中选择所需选项。
Classification is a very important task in Data Mining. It builds a model according to the data whose class labels are known, and then uses this model to predict the classes of the data whose class labels are unknown. 分类是数据挖掘的重要组成部分,它根据类标号已知的数据建立模型,进而使用该模型来预测类标号未知的数据所属的类。
Detecting Changes in Data Streams without Knowing the True Class Labels 未知真实类标记条件下数据流中的变化发现方法
This paper introduces the application of the Borland visual developing tools-Delphi 3.0 in opening 24-bits color BMP file, partitioning it into R 、 G 、 B matrixes, calculating the three components 'histogram and displaying the result histogram data in one screen with title labels. 本文讨论在Borland公司可视化编程工具Delphi3.0中,打开24位真彩色BMP图像文件并分割成R、G、B三个分量矩阵以及三个分量直方图的计算与同屏显示。
It brought forward a method in the situation of insufficient training samples. It chose sample data to mark class labels voluntarily, and then added to the SVM training set. By setting threshold value, it made sure that the chosen samples have high validity. 2. 提出了一个解决训练样本不足的方法,该方法自动从未标记数据中挑选样本进行标记,加入SVM训练集,并通过设置阈值在一定程度上保证所选样本的高分辨性。
They contains not only? at text data, but also extra information like labels and structures. 这些数据不仅仅是平面的文本数据,同时带有类标,结构等等格外的信息。
Its implementation illustrates the meaning of the contained data by the use of labels. 其实现方式通过使用标签来说明包含数据的意义。
It is engaged in tickets and certificates printing, data processing, digital printing, sticker labels printing, multicolor printing, intelligent cards producing. 公司主要从事票证印刷、数据处理与数字印刷服务、不干胶标签印刷、彩色印刷、智能卡生产等业务。
The existence of noisy data and features makes the labels of the sample data uncertain in binary classification. 在实际的二分类问题中,由于噪声点或者噪声特征的存在使得样本的标签会出现不确定的情况。
The paper adopts Naive Bayes based on the minimum risk to classify the filtering content, and extracts the real message data and labels the short messages. 本文采用基于最小风险的朴素贝叶斯对过滤内容进行分类,对真实的短信数据进行特征提取和短信标注。
An approach of building the schema of Web entity dynamically is proposed in this dissertation. The approach makes full use of those data accumulated in Web data integration system to identify the new labels, which are showed in target Web pages. 本文提出的方法,充分利用Web数据集成系统中已存在的数据,辅助识别出目标页面中的新属性标签,并利用条件随机场模型实现对Web实体模式信息的动态丰富。